HUDSON-WILLIAMS, Thomas. Caernarfon, Gwynedd 4.2.1873 — 12.4.1961. British (Welsh) Celtologist and Comparative Linguist. Professor in Bangor. Son of R. Williams. Educated in Bangor. Studies at University College of North Wales in Bangor (graduated 1894) and Greifswald (Zimmer). D.Litt. 1911 London. From 1896 Assistant Lecturer in French and German at Bangor, from 1900 in Classics. In 1904-40 Professor of Greek at Bangor, then retired. Married 1905 Gwladys Williams, two sons and a daughter.
Publications: Much on Celtology, also wrote on Greek philology (Theognis), partly in Welsh, translations in Welsh.
– A Short Introduction to the study of Comparative Grammar. 78 p. Cardiff 1935.
– A Short Grammar of Old Persian, with a Reader accompanied by a word-for-word translation, notes and vocabulary. 7+51 p. Cardiff 1936.
Sources: Th. Parry, Dictionary of Welsh Biography in; *briefly in Welsh Wicipedia.
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