DIETZ, Friedrich Reinhold

DIETZ, Friedrich Reinhold. Königsberg 12.1.1805 — Königsberg 5.6.1836. German Physician and Philologist (Historian of Medicine). School and studies of medicine and philology at Königsberg, Dr. med. there 1826. With a scholarship by the government travelled in France, Italy, England and Spain studying Greek, Arabic and (in England) Indian medical manuscripts. In 1833 returned to Königsberg, where he was nominated ao. Professor and Sekundärartzt. Little before his death, in 1836, Professor ordinarius and director of the hospital. Married.

Publications: Diss. publ. as Ἱπποκράτους περὶ ἱρῆς νούσου βίβλιον. 12+184 p. Lp. 1827 (critical edition and Latin translation of the Hippocratic text On the Sacred Disease).

Analecta medica ex libris manuscriptis primum edita. 1. 179 p. Lp. 1830 (extracts from Ibn Beithar and notes on medical Sanskrit manuscripts).

Hab.diss. (?), Elenchus materiae medicae Ibn Beitharis Malacensis. 32 p. Regimonti 1833.

Edited: Galeni de dissectione musculorum et de consuetudine libri. 16+131 p. Lipsiae 1832; Scholia in Hippocratem et Galenum. 1-2. Regimonti 1834; with V. Rose, Sorani Gynaeciorum vetus translatio latina. Lp. 1838.

Sources: A. Hirsch, A.D.B. 5, 1877, 210f.; *C. v. Lengerke, Vaterländisches Archiv für Wiss. 16, 1836, 552-570; German Wikipedia.

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