KINSLEY, David Robert. Holyoke, MA 25.4.1939 — Hamilton, Ontario 24.4.2000. U.S. Scholar of Hindu Religion in Canada. Studies at Drew University (B.A. 1961), Union Theological Seminary (B.D. 1964) and Chicago University (Ph.D. 1970). Taught at McMaster University, 1969-2000, chair of department 1989-94. Married 1964 Carolyn (Cary) Crittenden Reiner.
Publications: Articles, e.g. “Without Krsna there is no song”, History of Religions 2, 1972, 149-180; “‘Through the Looking Glass’: Divine madness in the Hindu religious tradition”, Hist. of Rel. 13, 1973-74, 270-305; “Freedom from death in the worship of Kālī”, Numen 22, 1975, 183-207.
– The Sword and the Flute: Kālī and Kṛṣṇa, Dark Visions of the Terrible and Sublime in Hindu Mythology. 8+168 p. Berkeley & L.A. 1975, repr. Delhi 1995, German transl. 1979.
– The divine player: a study of Kṛṣṇa līlā. 12+306 p. Delhi 1979.
– Hinduism: a cultural perspective. 11+164 p. Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1982.
– Hindu Goddesses. Visions of the divine feminine in the Hindu religious tradition.281 p. Berkeley 1988; German transl. by R. Grafenhorst, Indische Göttinnen. Frankfurt 1990.
– Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahāvidyās. 10+318 p. Berkeley 1997.
Sources: *R. Mann in Sacred geography of goddesses in South Asia: essays in memory of David Kinsley. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2010; *A. Mendelson, Studies in Religion 29, 2000, 205-208; Wikidata; Spanish Wikipedia with bibliography; stray notes in Internet.

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