LA FUENTE, Marguerite. 18?? — 1958?. Mme. French Bauddha. Founder-member of Les amis de bouddhisme in Paris from 1927. Visited Ceylon and other Buddhist countries and learned much from bhikkhus. In 1960 Lu K’uan Yu dedicated his Ch’an and Zen Teaching to the memory of Upāsikā MLF who had encouraged him in 1956. Reviewing Pirit-nula in RHR 125, 1943 Masson-Oursel found it satisfactory.
Publications: Translated from Pāli: Pirit-nula, le fïl de pirit, Suttas de protection. 85 p. P. 1941.
– Translated: Nyanatiloka, La parole du Bouddha. 108 p. P. 1935; W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Le livre des morts tibétains. 8+227 p. P. 1933 and Le Yoga Tibétain et les doctrines secrètes. 10+366 p. P. 1938; Jagdish Kasyapa, Le Dhamma du Bouddha. 111 p. P. 1947.
Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.
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