LACEY, William Carey (or Charles?)

LACEY, William Carey (or Charles?). 18?? — 1???. Rev. Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Charles Lacey (1798–1853), also a missionary in Orissa (from 1823), and his wife Ann Merriman. Himself resided in Cuttack at least from 1851. Directed the Orissa Mission Press founded by his father together with Amos Sutton in 1839. Married 1859 Sarah Frances Joest (?). Still active 1864.
Publications: Ooryah Grammar. 115 p. Cuttack 1855, 2nd ed. as Oriya Grammar. 1857, 3rd ed. Calcutta 1861.
– Edited in Oriya: Nītikathā. 1855; Hitopadeśa. 1855; translated some Bengali works into Oriya.
Sources: Stray notes in T. Khan (ed.), History of Translation in India. Mysuru 2017. knows Wm. Carey Lacey, 1839? — Cuttack 31.1.1870, married with Sarah Frances, one son, but claims that he was District Superintendent of Police. General Report on Public Instruction in the Bengal Presidency gives the first ed. of his grammar and calls him Mr. (not Rev.). But several other Internet sources give him definitely as Rev. and missionary. For the second name, both Carey and Charles get several votes.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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