LAMBRICK, Samuel. 1768 — 1854. Rev. British Missionary in Sri Lanka. In 1817 left for Ceylon with his wife in company of Joseph Knight, Robert Major and Benjamin Ward. After a time in Kandy in 1822 founded Kotta as the centre of the Church Missionary Society near Colombo and opened a school there as a seminary for young Ceylonese (then Christian College, from 1963 Sri Jayawardenapura Maha Vidyalaya). Retired after long service and settled in Cholmondeley.
Publications: A Grammar of the Sinhalese Language. Cotta 1826, 2nd ed. 2+156 p. Colombo 1834.
– A Vocabulary of the Singhalese Language. 72 p. Cotta 1840.
An Exposition of the Errors of Buddhism. Cotta 1832.
– Translated parts of the New Testament in Sinhalese.
Sources: Stray notes in missionary histories.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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