DURSCH, Georg Martin

DURSCH, Johann Georg Martin. Deggingen, Württemberg 11.11.1800 — Rottweil, Württemberg 21.2.1881. German Catholic Theologian interested in Sanskrit. Studies at Tübingen, ordained as priest in 1825. Dr.theol. and Ph.D. 1825. Then two and a half year studies of Oriental languages in Paris (under Chézy et al.). After returning he worked first as a vicar and from 1828 as teacher at Gymnasium of Ehingen. From 1842 dean and minister in Wurmlingen, from 1850 minister (Stadtpfarrer, from 1858 also dean) in Rottweil for the rest of his life. He was a many-sided and productive scholar, who wrote sermons, on theology, and pedagogics and especially on aesthetics and the symbols of Christian art.

Publications: Die Religionswissenschaft. 1-3. Ehingen 1832-34, and other writings on theology, collections of sermons; Symbolik de christlichen Religion. 1-2. 1858-59, and other writings on aesthetics and on the symbols of Christian art.

Ghat‘akarparam oder das zerbrochene Gefäss. Ein sandkritisches Gedicht. Hrsg., übers. und erläutert. 64 p. B. 1828.

Translated: Hitopadesas oder heilsame Unterweisung, angeblich von Wischnu­sarman zur Belehrung königlicher Prinzen verfasst. 8+212 p. Tübingen 1854.

Sources: Fr. Lauchert, A.D.B. 48, 1904, 213f. (ignores his Oriental interests); *Heribert Hummel: “J.G.M.D. 1800–1881: Pfarrer und bedeutender Kunstsammler aus Deggingen”, Hohenstaufen, Helfenstein: Historisches Jahrbuch für den Kreis Göppingen 14, 2004, 137-170; Wikipedia with a bronze bust.

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