ABS, Josef Maria

ABS, Josef Maria. Öspel, Saarland 20.1.1889 — 19??. German Catholic Priest, Indologist and Scholar of Religion. Son of Friedrich Abs and Maria Kessler. From 1897 member of the Capuchin order and attended its school in Tyrol. Then missionary in India, in 1914 appointed to a Professorship in Calcutta, but soon interned. After the war he studied Indology under Jacobi at Bonn. Priest in Bonn and Saarbrücken. No information found after 1937.

Publications: Political articles, some Indological articles (“Beiträge zur Kritik heterodoxer Philosophie-Systeme in der Purāṇa”, Festgabe Jacobi 1926, 386-396; OC 1932, 157-159; etc.).

Indiens Religion. Sanātana Dharma. Eine Darstellung des Hinduismus. 19+234 p. Halle der Religionen 1. Bonn & Leipzig 1933.

Der Kampf um unsere Schutzgebiete einst und jetzt. Ein Beitrag zur Wieder­ge­winnung unserer Kolonien. 285 p. 54 pl. Düsseldorf 1926, and several editions; other works on colonial politics.

Der Kampf um unsere Schutzgebiete einst und jetzt. Ein Beitrag zur Wieder­ge­winnung unserer Kolonien. 314 p. Düsseldorf 1926, and several editions; other works on colonial politics.

Sources: D.G.K. 1926, 1931, 1935, then no more; Kathol. Deutschland 1, 1933; Wer Ist’s 1935; very briefly in German Wikipedia. No death date in the N.U.C. Member of D.M.G. in 1930, then no lists were publ. until 1950, when no longer included (but elsewhere mentioned at least in Saarbrücken in 1937).

Last Updated on 1 year by Admin


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