LELAND, Charles Godfrey

LELAND, Charles Godfrey. Philadelphia, PA 15.8.1824 — Florence 20.3.1903. U.S. Journalist and Amateur Folklorist. Son of merchant Charles L. and Charlotte Godfrey. Studies at Princeton, then at Heidelberg, Munich and Paris (he was there during the 1848 revolution). Back home passed in the bar, but never practised as lawyer. Instead he turned to journalism. Participated in the U.S. civil war in Union Army. In 1869 to Europe, travelled widely and settled in London.
Publications: The English Gipsies. 15+259 p. L. 1873; The Gypsies. 10+372 p. Boston 1883.
– With E. H. Palmer & J. Tuckey: Gipsy Songs, In Romany, with metrical English translations. 12+276 p. L. 1875.
– Fusang or the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. 19+212 p. L. 1875.
– “On the English Gipsy or Rommani Language”, IV Congrès int. des Orientalistes, Firenze 1878, Atti vol. 2, 1880, 31-37; “The Original Gypsies and their Language”, Verh. des VII int. Orientalisten-Kongresses, geh. in Wien 1886, Arische Sektion 1888, 149-156.
– Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. 16+271 p. London 1891.
– Books and articles on American and European languages and folk traditions, own poetry, etc.
Sources: *E.R. Bennell, Ch.G.L.: A Biography. 1-2. Boston & N.Y. 1906; Wikipedia with photo.

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