LITTMANN,  Ludwig Richard Enno. Oldenburg 16.9.1875 — Tübingen 4.5.1958. German Semitic and Ethiopian scholar. Professor in Tübingen. Son of Gustav Adolph L. (1829–1893), owner of a printing house, and Sophie Jacoby. After gymnasium in Oldenburg from 1894 studies of theology and languages at Berlin, Greifswald and Halle. Ph.D. 1898 Halle. In 1899-1904 and 1904 participated in American excavations in Syro-Palestine, 1905-06 leader of the German Aksum expedition. From 1906 Professor ord. (Nöldeke’s successor) at Strassburg, in 1913-17 at Göttingen, 1918-21 at Bonn and 1921-51 at Tübingen. Emeritus. Married 1921 Elsa Nöldeke (granddaughter of —> Th. Nöldeke), two daughters.

Publications: Much on Semitics, especially epigraphy, and Ethiopia, beginning with his diss. on Tigre language; transl. Die Erzählungen aus den Tausendundein Nächten. 1-6. Lp. 1922-28.

– Zigeuner-Arabisch. Wortschatz und Grammatik der arabischen Bestandteile in den morgen­ländischen Zigeuner­sprachen. 147 p. Bonn 1920. (in Palestine).

– “Indien und Abessinien”, Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistes­geschichte Indiens. Festgabe H. Jacobi. Bonn 1926, 406–417.

Sources: R. Paret, N.D.B. 14, 1985, 710f.; *R. Paret (ed.), Orientalische Studien Enno Littmann zu seinem 60. Geburtstag… Ld. 1935; *O. Eissfeldt, E.L. † am 4. Mai 1958. Gedenkrede… 28 p. Tübinger Universitätreden 5. Tübingen 1957 (Review by A. Schall, Der Islam 35, 1960, 229); Wikipedia briefly, more in German version.

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