ECKE, Gustav

ECKE, Emil-Wilhelm-Gustav. Bonn 13.6.1896 — Honolulu 18.12.1971. German Art Historian in China and U.S.A. Son of Gustav Ecke (1855–1920), Professor of Theology. From 1914 studies at Bonn, Berlin and Erlangen. Ph.D. 1922, on European art. In 1923 went to China, taught at several universities there: 1923-28 Amoy University, 1928-33 at Tsinghua University, Peking, finally at Catholic Fujien University of Beijing. In 1934-35 studies in Paris under Hackin. Forced by communists to leave China in 1949 went to Hawaii and became curator at Honolulu Academy of Arts, from 1950 also Professor of Arts, Honolulu University, retired in 1966. Then in Europe, teaching at Munich and Bonn (1966-68). In China, he conducted archaeological field-work in Fujian, Shantung, Honan, Hopei, and Shanghai. Married 1945 his young student Tseng Yuho (1920–2017, then also known as Betty Ecke), an artist.

Publications: With P. Demiéville, The Twin Pagodes of Zayton. A study of later Buddhist sculpture in China. 8+95 p. Harvard-Yenching Inst. Monogr. 2. Cambridge, Mass. 1935.

Several other works on Chinese art, especially architecture.

Sources: Pierre Jaquillard, Art. As. 34, 1972, 114-118 with photo; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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