LOWSLEY, Barzillai (until 1863 Lousley). 19.9.1840 — 25.7.1905. British Colonial Officer. From Hampstead Norreys, near Newbury (probably born there), son of Job and Ruth Lousley, a farmer family. After Royal Military Academy he joined Royal Engineers as Lieutenant. Served in Barbados, 1862-72, then in Ceylon. Retired 1882 as Lieutenant-Colonel, in 1895 living in Jersey. Married 1873 Ada Mansfield, three children.
A different (but inexact) picture of his career is given by thetokensociety: Service from 1862, but only 1871 to Barbados, 1889 in Limerick, 1890-92 in Colombo, 1895 moved to Jersey.
Publications: “Coins and Tokens of Ceylon”, NC 3:15, 1895, 211-268; also wrote on British numismatics, on Berkshire dialect, etc.
Sources: www.thetokensociety.org.uk/pdf2/Volume_eight.pdf; stray notes in Internet.
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