MACMUNN, George Fletcher. Chelsea 24.8.1869 — Sackville College, East Grinstead, Sussex 23.8.1952. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer and Historian. Born in a soldier family, son of John Alexander MacMunn and Charlotte Edith Matthias. Educated at Kensington Grammar School, from 1888 at Royal Military Academy. In 1891 Lieutenant of Royal Artillery in India, served in North-West Frontier and Burma, also in South Africa. In WW I in Mediterranean area, then in Mesopotamia. Retired 1925 as Lieutenant-General. In 1927-39 Colonel Commandant of the Royal Artillery, 1932-38 also Commissioner of The Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 1939-52 Warden of Sackville College. K.C.B. 1917, K.C.S.I. 1919. Married 1893 Alice Emily Watson, one daughter and one son.
Publications: The armies of India. 14+224 p. L. 1911 (illustrated by A. C. Lowett).
– The Underworld of India. 2nd ed. 272 p. L. 1933.
– The religions and hidden cults of India. 12+244 p. ill. L. 1931.
– The Indian mutiny in perspective. 12+276 p. L. 1931.
– The Martial Races of India. 432 p. n.d. (1933).
– The Indian social system: Castes, tribes, religions and crime. 284 p. L. 1933.
– The living India, its romance and realities. 11+318 p. L. 1934.
– A number of other books.
Sources: Canberra Academy Library in; works in; four photos in
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