MARTIN, W. B. 18?? — 1???. British Civil Servant in India. Deputy Collector and Magistrate, Madhipárah, Bhagalpur (1875), later of Beguserai (1892), in Bihar. Sometimes given three initials as J. W. B. Martin.
Publications: “On the Archaeological Remains of Barantpur in Zila’ Bhágalpúr”, ProcASB 1872, 175-177.
– Letter forwarding an Inscription found at Srinagar near Madhipurah, ProcASB 1875, 107f.; Letter regarding Buddhist remains in North Bhagalpur, ProcASB 1875, 128; Letter on Hindi Inscriptions from near Monghyr, ProcASB 1881, 42.
– English–Santali Vocabulary. 192 p. Benares 1898.
Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.
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