ÈL’MANOVIČ, Spiridon Dmitrievič. Egor’evskij Syčevskij uezd, Smolensk gub. 1844/45 — 19??. Russian Translator (?). One of many children of Dmitrij Alekseevič È., a Russian Orthodox priest. Educated in Bel’ and at Smolensk spiritual seminary. In 1865-69 studied at St.Petersburg University Arabic and Persian, soon also Sanskrit. Worked as gymnasium teacher in (the then Russian part of) Poland, from 1896 director of Holm gymnasium near Novgorod, from 1900 in Warsaw. Because of war moved 1914 to Kiev (Ki’iv), 1916-18 in Poltava, but then disappears. Married Natal’ja Mihajlovna May (d. 1881), then Vera Mihajlovna Grušeckaja, three daughters and two sons.

His Manu translation was made directly from Sanskrit, but was found somewhat defective in many details.

Publications: Transl. Zakony Many. Trudy obščestva russkih orientalistov 1. 10+286 p. St.P. 1913, rev. ed. by G. F. Il’in. M. 1960.

Sources: N.K. Vlasko in rutracker.org; on the translation and its revision see G. F. Il’in, WZHalle 10:6, 1961, 1396-1399.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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