MONEY, David

MONEY, David Inglis. Bombay 25.10.1809 — 16.7.1880. British Civil Servant in Bengal. Son of William Taylor Money (1769–1834) and Eugenia Money. Educated at Charterhouse School, studies at Cambridge (Trinity College). Served in Bengal from 1829. Collector of Nuddeah (1845), then in Murshidabad (1849), finally Judge of Calcutta High Court, retired 1860. Settled in Petersfield, Hampshire. Married 1830 Jane Deans (1812–1886), two sons and one daughter.

Publications: “An Account of the Temple of Trivení, near Hugli”, JASB 16, 1847, 393-401 (signed only by D. Money – his identification with the above man remains uncertain, but in any case he was a civil servant).

Sources: Wikitree;; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 2 months by Admin


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