ERDMAN, Axel. Stockholm 6.2.1843 — Uppsala 8.11.1926. Swedish Linguist. Professor of English in Uppsala. Son of the mineralogist Axel J. E. and Sophia Charlotta Nyström, educated in Stockholm. From 1861 studies of classical and modern languages at Uppsala, fil.kand. 1869. Then school-teacher of classical languages and English. In 1871 Docent i fornengelska sprocket (PD in Old English) at Uppsala, 31.5.1872 fil.dr. ibid. In September 1872 to August 1873 studies of Sanskrit at Bonn (under Gildemeister), taught then the lan­guage at Uppsala in 1873-74, 1877, and 1880-91, examiner of the same in 1877-91. Conducted the seminary of Germanistics in 1884-87. From 1892 eo. Professor i nyeuropeisk lingvistik (sp. germanska språk). In 1897-1913 also censor at matriculation examen. From 1.1.1904 eo. Professor i engelska språket, and from 26.2.1904 ord. in same subject. Unmarried. He was one of the pioneers of modern linguistics in Sweden.

Publications: A number of publications on linguistics, especially on English.

On Indology only articles in the encyclopedia Nordisk Familjebok, especially “Indiens språk och litteratur”.

Sources: Charpentier, “Indol. studier i Sverige”, Sv. Orientsällsk. Årsbok 1924, 64; E. Ekwall, Sv. Biogr. Lex. 14, 1953, 34-38; with photo.

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