MORTON, William

MORTON, William. Limerick 1794 — 18??. Rev. Irish Missionary in India. Son of John Morton and Rebecca Ingram. In Cossipore, for a while also in Chinsura, working for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. In 1826 he is mentioned as Professor and Chaplain of Calcutta Grammar-School. He had health problems and was temporarily sent to Mauritius and in 1832 to the Seychelles (said to be the first missionary to visit the islands). Then (1833) again back in Chinsura. Married at least twice (first wife 1815, Carolina Olivia Clara Burton, 1785–1826, the second 1830, Catherine Herklots, 1811–1839), four daughters and one son with the first wife and two sons and two daughters with the second.

Publications: Dvibhāṣārthakābhidhāna: A Dictionary of the Bengali Language with Bengali Synonyms and English Interpretations. 7+660 p. Calcutta 1828.

– Bengali Renderings of Scripture Terms. Calcutta 18?? (before 1831); Biblical and Theological Vocabulary, English and Bengali. 4+30 p. Calcutta 1845.

– A Collection of Proverbs, Bengali and Sanscrit . 8+160 p. Calcutta 1832.

– The Life of Daniel, the Prophet of God; with a Bengali Translation. 345 p. Calcutta 1837.

The Women of Shunem, and other Orriginal Poems together with Metrical Translations from Oriental and Western Languages. 4+214 p. L. 1850.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet (mainly mission reports); not in D.I.B.

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