MURDOCH, John. Glasgow 22.7.1819 — Madras 10.8.1904. British (Scottish) Missionary in Sri Lanka and India. Son of John and Margret Murdoch, educated at Glasgow High School. After an unsuccesful attempt as a painter studies at Glasgow. Worked as teacher, in 1844 left for Ceylon. Headmaster of schools in Kandy, but resigned in 1849 and concentrated on mission under the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland. In 1858 he was invited to India to become the Agent and Travelling Secretary in India for the Christian Vernacular Education Society and worked in this position until his retirement in 1903. Travelled all around India, from Ceylon to Peshawar, inspecting schools, also visited Europe, North America and East Asia. LL.D. 1878 Glasgow, Fellow of Madras University. Unmarried.

Publications: Indian Missionary Manual: Hints to Young Missionaries to India, With Lists of Books. 11+456 p. Madras 1864; Catalogue of the Christian Vernacular Literature of India. 9+148 p. Madras 1870.

Classified Catalogue of Tamil Printed Books. 9+5+101+287 p. Madras 1865.

– The Brahma Samaj, and other modern eclectic systems of religion in India. 104 p. Madras 1888.

– Swami Vivekananda on Hinduism: An Examination of His Address at the Chicago Parliament of Religions. 1895; Yoga Sastra, the Yoga sutras of Patenjali examined: with a notice of Swami Vivekananda’s Yoga philosophy. 59 p. L. 1897.

– Caste: Its Supposed Origin: Its History: Its Effects: The Duty of Government, Hindus, and Christians With Respect to It: And Its Prospects. 2+62 p. L. & Madras 1896.

– Kasi, or Benares: The Holy City of the Hindus. 2nd ed. 40 p. L. 1897.

– The Mahabharata: an English abridgment: introduction, notes, and review intended to give an outline of the leading story and some of the principal episodes of this encyclopaedia of Hinduism: with such explanations as will enable the poem to be better understood. 4+160+16 p. L. 1898.

– The religious history of India: for educated Hindus. 196 p. L. 1900.

– The History of Civilization in India: A Sketch, With Suggestions for the Improvement of the Country. 184 p. L. 1902.

– Hindu and Muhammadan Festivals. 80 p. L. 1904.

– Missionary books, criticism of Theosophy, etc.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia with photo and further references.

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