FADDEGON, Barend (Bernard). Amsterdam 9.7.1874 — Ede (Gelderland) 28.6.1955. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam. Son of Barend Abraham F., a watchmaker, and Sophia Elisabeth Laugeman, grew up in Amsterdam. Studies of Dutch at Amsterdam (Uhlenbeck), then Indology at Leiden under Kern and Speyer. Ph.D. 1906 Leiden. From 1907 PD, 1908 Lecturer (lector) at Amsterdam University, from 1919 eo. Professor of Sanskrit there. From 1922 member of K.N.A.W. In 1926-27 visiting Lecturer at Harvard. Retired in 1944. Married 1908 Emily Keene, an Englishwoman from Oxford.
Faddegon was a specialist of Indian philosophy and of Pāṇini. Among his students were Buiskool, Dresden and Essers.
Publications: Diss. Çamkara’s Gītābhāṣya toegelicht & beoordeeld. 116 p. Amsterdam 1906.
– The Vaiçesika-system, described with the help of the oldest texts. 614 p. VKNAW Afd. Lk. N.R. 18:2. Amsterdam 1918.
– Translated into Dutch: Gîta-Gôwinda, pastorale van Djajadêwa in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht. 192 p. Santpoort 1932; Djajadêwa, drama en twee delen. 1933, 2nd ed. 133 p. the Hague 1947.
– Tr. in English: The Pravacanasāra of Ācārya Kundakunda. 24+227 p. Cambr. 1935.
– Studies on Pāṇini’s Grammar. 72 p. VKNAW 38:1. Amsterdam 1938.
– Phonetics and Phonology. 45 p. 3 pl. MKNAW N.R. 1:10. Amsterdam 1938.
– Studies on Sāmaveda. 1. 83 p. KNAW 57:1. Amsterdam 1951.
– “The chapter (III, 3), the method of exegesis, in the Vedānta-sūtra”, AO 1, 1923, 105-113; “The catalogue of sciences in the Chāndogya-Upaniṣad”, AO 4, 1926, 42-54; “The thirteenth month in ancient Hindu chronology”, AO 4, 1926, 124-133; “Ritualistic Dadaism”, AO 5, 1927, 177-196; “The mnemotechnics of Pāṇini’s Grammar. 1. The Śiva-Sūtra”, AO 7, 1929, 48-65; “The categories of tense”, Donum natalicium Schrijnen 1929, 116-129; “Mṛcchakaṭikā and king Lear”, India Antiqua … presented to J.-Ph. Vogel 1947, 113-123; “The Semitic and Sanskrit Alphabets”, Orientalia Neerlandica. Ld. 1948, 261-272; further articles, also in Dutch.
– Also wrote on phonetics, philosophy, etc.
Sources: Staal 1985, 275ff.; Who’s Who in Netherlands; http://faddegon.family/biografieen/barend-faddegon/ with several photos; full bibliography in Dutch Indology homepage; photo in Gonda, Indology in the Netherlands. 1964.
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