FALCONER, Hugh. Forres, Moray 29.2.1808 — London 31.1.1865. British (Scottish) Physician, Botanist, Palaeontologist, Geologist and Traveller in India. Son of David Falconer and Isabel Mackrae, educated at Forres and Aberdeen University. M.D. 1829 Edinburgh. Joined the E.I.C.’s medical service in Bengal in 1830, succeeded Royle in 1832 as Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens in Saharanpur. With other officers made important discoveries of mammal and reptile fossils in the Sivalik hills. “Served in the Tea Commission of 1834, and superintended the manufacture of the first Indian tea. He travelled in 1837-8 to Kashmir and Beluchistan, and in the Astor Valley discovered assafætida [sic]. Contributed many plants and fruit trees from Kashmir to Saharanpur.” In the U.K. and travelling in Europe, 1843-47. After Wallich’s death, in 1848-55 Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens at Sibpur, Howrah, opposite to Calcutta, also Professor of Botany at Calcutta Medical College and adviser of the Government of India on vegetable products. After retirement, in 1855 because of health problems, continued his studies in palaeontology (field research in England, Sicily, Malta, etc.).

Publications: Wrote on geology, palaeontology, and botany, also travel accounts, in the 1840s started the publication of Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis with P. T. Cautley.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Gosche, Wiss. Jahresber. zu ZDMG, 1862-67, 69; *Ch. Murchison, Proc. of R.S. 15, 1865, 8; Wikipedia with two photos.

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