OLDHAM, Thomas

OLDHAM, Thomas. Dublin 4.5.1816 — Rugby, Warwickshire 17.7.1878. British (Anglo-Irish) Geologist in India. Son of Thomas Oldham and Margaret Boyd (D.N.B. Bagot). Educated privately, studies at Trinity College in Dublin, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1846. From 1836 further studies of geology at Engineering School in Edinburgh. In 1838 employed in the survey of Londonderry, then elsewhere in Ireland. From 1846 Professor of Geology at Trinity College and Director of Geological Survey of Ireland. In 1851-76 the first Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India, employed there his younger brother Charles Aemilius Oldham (1831-1869, the father of —> C. E. A. W. Oldham). Mainly surveyed Bengal and Central India. Resigned for health reasons in 1876, settled in Rugby, England. LL.D. 1874 Dublin. Married 1850 Louisa Matilda Dixon, five sons and one daughter. One son, Richard Dixon Oldham (1868–1936) served in the Geological Survey of India in 1879-1903. Both in Ireland and in India he made important geological discoveries and also studied paleontology, prehistory and even botany.

Publications: Many publications on geology, in Ireland and in India (in India much on coal resources).

– Five articles on science in JASB and ProcASB, also on stone implements from Madras”, ProcASB 1865, 206-208; on copper implements found in Mainpuri, ProcASB 1868, 251; “Notes on the Remains found in a Cromlech in Coorg”, ProcASB 1869, 226-235, 1 pl.

Sources: T.G.B[onney], D.N.B. 42, 1895, 111f.; Buckland, Dictionary; P.N.W. Jackson, D.I.B. 7, 630f.; Wikipedia with photo.

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