FAUST, Adolf

FAUST, Adolf. 18?? — 19??. German Student of IE Linguistics. Ph.D. 1877 Strassburg. Probably the same A.F., who in 1915 was school-teacher (Professor) in Mülhausen (Mulhouse) gymnasium. He is mentioned in M. already in 1894.

Publications: Diss. Zur indogermanischen Augmentbildung. 42 p. Strassburg 1877.

Probably by him: Philip Adolf Faust, “Studien zu Euripides”, in Jahresbericht über das Realprogymnasium Altkirch 1880–81. Altkirch 1881, 1-31 (note that Altkirch is in Alsace).

Sources: Scanty notes in Internet, the diss. contains neither life not preface.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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