AHVLEDIANI, Georgij Saridanovič. Leykumi, Kutaisskij rajon 1.(13.)4.1887 — Tbilisi 9.7.1973. Georgian Indo-Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Son of a farm owner. Graduated 1914 from Harkov University. Taught Linguistics at Tbilisi University from 1918, Professor from 1932. Corresponding member of the Soviet Academy of Science 1939, full member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 1941, president of the division of Social Sciences 1941-49, head of the division of Social Linguistics, director of the Language Institute 1949-50, and head of the division of Linguistic Institute 1954-60. Dr. philol. nauk 1949. Worked in Tbilisi. Interested in Sanskrit, Avesta, etc. (but also in general linguistics), he was the founder of the Georgian school.
Publications: Sanskrit. Kratkaja grammatika i otryvki iz klassičeskogo sanskrita i Rigvedy. 117 p. Tbilisi 1920.
– Translations from the Avesta: Naša nauka, Tbilisi 1924:2, 97-102; Trudy Tbilisskogo gos. universiteta, serija vostokovedenija 99, 1962, 39–41; 108, 1964, 67f.; and in Georgian, ibid. 118, 1967, 71f.
– Voprosy obščej i gruzinskoj fonetiki. 232 p. Tbilisi 1938.
Sources: Miliband 1977, 1995 (with many further references); *Tbilisskij universitet – Georgiju Ahvlediana (k 80-letiju so duja roždenija). 485 p. Tb. 1969; *G.A. (1887– 1973): Bibliografija. 180 p. Tbilisi 1978 (in Georgian and Russian).
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