FESTUGIÈRE, André-Jean (Jean Paul Philippe). Paris 15.3.1898 — Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne) 13.8.1982. French Dominican Father and Scholar of Classical and Comparative Religion. Son of Paul F. (1869–1950), a philosopher. Educated in Paris (Lycée Condorcet, Collège Stanislas, Lycée Louis-le-Grand). From 1918 studies at École normale supérieure, agrégation 1920, then further studies at the French Schools in Rome (1920-21) and Athens (1921-22). In 1923 joined the Dominican order in Belgium (with religious name André-Marie), ordained priest 1930. For a while taught at École biblique et archéologique in Jerusalem. From 1932 further studies at É.P.H.É. Ph.D. 1936 (diss. on Plato). Directeur d’études at É.P.H.É. in 1942-68 (religions helléniques et la fin de paganisme). Member of A.I.B.L. 1958. He was not familiar with ancient India, but in his works often touched the possible religious and philosophical contacts between India and the classical West. Also noted specialist of Neo-Platonism.

Publications: Diss. 1922 publ. as  La philosophie de l’amour de Marsile Ficin. 7+169 p. P. 1941, and other books on Neo-Platonism.

– “Trois rencontres entre la Grèce et l’Inde”, RHR 125, 1943, 32-57; “Grecs et sages orientaux”, RHR 130, 1945, 29-41; “Les inscriptions d’Aśoka et l’idéal du roi hellénistique”, Recherches de science religieuse 39 (Mélanges Jules Lobreton I), 1952, 31-46.

La révélation d’Hermès Trismégiste. I. L’astrologie et les sciences accultes. 14+424 p. P. 1944; II. Le dieu cosmique. 17+610 p. P. 1948; III. Les doctrines de l’âme. 14+314 p. P. 1954; IV. Le dieu inconnu. 11+319 p. P. 1954, all reprinted in one volume P. 2014.

Études de philosophie grecque. 598 p. P. 1971, edited the Hermetic Corpus and Proclus’ works, other editions, translations and studies of Greek philosophy and early Christianity. His full bibliography contains 70 books and 175 articles.

Sources: P. Hadot, Annuaire de É.P.H.É. Ve section 92, 1983-84, 31-35; *J. de Romilly, CRAI 129, 1985, 406-419; *Mémorial André-Jean Festugiére. Antiquité paienne et chrétienne. 326 p. Cahiers d’orientalisme 10. Genève 1984; French Wikipédia with photo (just 2 lines in the English version).

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