FISCHER, Klaus. Zittau (Sachsen) 23.11.1919 — Bonn 25.3.1993. German Archaeologist and Art Historian of South Asia. Professor in Bonn. Studied archaeology and art history at Heidelberg, Ph.D. there 1948 (diss. on barock architecture). In 1952 obtained a travel grant and studied two years art history in Calcutta under J. N. Banerjea and O. C. Gangoly. Returning visited Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey. In 1956-59 worked at German Archaeological Institute in Berlin. In 1959-60 a two years’ scholarship at Kabul University, travelled much in Afghanistan and collaborated with Schlumberger at Surkh Kotal. Also later visited regularly the country and with his students carried on archaeological surveys in Seistan. From 1966 Universitätsdozent at Bonn, then Wiss.Rat and Professor, and finally Professor at Seminar für Orientalische Kunstgeschichte, Bonn. Retired 1985. Died after a serious illness. Married with Christa-M. Friederike Fischer.
On several occasions Fischer conducted excavations in Seistan. Wrote important contributions to the history of Indian architecture. As a keen horseman he also developed a scholarly interest for horses.
Publications: Caves and Temples of the Jains. 39 p. Aliganj 1956.
– Schöpfungen indischer Kunst. Von den frühesten Bauten und Bildern bis zum mittelalterlichen Tempel. 412 p. 275 ill. on pl. Köln 1959, 2nd ed. 1961.
– “Une tête śivaïte en marbre de l’Afghanistan oriental”, Arts as. 10, 1964, 35-42.
– “Ἀλεξανδρόπολις μητρόπολις Ἀραχωσίας; Zur Lage von Kandahar in Landverbindungen zwischen Iran und Indien”, BJ 167, 1967, 129-232.
– Habil.diss. 1966 publ. as: Dächer, Decke und Gewölbe indischer Kultstätten und Nutzbauten. 200 p. 64 pl. Wb. 1974.
– With D. Morgenstern & V. Thewalt: Nimruz, archäologische Landaufnahme in Südwest-Afghanistan. 1-2. Bonn 1974-76.
– With his wife: Indische Baukunst islamischer Zeit. 108 p. ill. Baden-Baden 1976.
– Two chapters in F. R. Allchin & N. Hammond (eds.), The Archaeology of Afghanistan from the Earliest Times to the Timurid Period. L. 1978 (“From the Rise of Islam to the Mongol Invasion”, 301-355 & “From the Mongols to the Mughals”, 356-414).
– Erotik und Askese in Kult und Kunst der Inder. 292 p. ill. Köln 1979.
– With M. Jansen & J. Pieper: Architektur der indischen Subkontinents. 272 p. ill. Darmstadt 1987.
– Articles.
Sources: D.G.K. 1970, 1992; M. Jansen, SAA 1993, 32f.; J. Ozols & V. Thewalt (ed.), Aus dem Osten des Alexanderreiches. Völker und Kulturen zwischen Orient und Okzident: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indien. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fischer. Köln 1984, with bibliography; German Wikipedia
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