FLENSBURG, Nils Olof Mathias. Lund 22.4.1855 — Lund 7.4.1926. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Lund. Son of Wilhelm Fl. (1819–1897), a priest (future bishop of Lund), and Constance Nyberg. Matriculated from Lund Cathedral School in 1873. From 1873 studies at Lund: 1880 fil.kand., 1886 fil.lic. In 1887-1919 taught at Lunds privata elementarskolan. In 1888 Ph.D. Lund, and immediately PD in Sanskrit there. In 1889-91 and 1892-95 acting Professor of Oriental languages. From 1898 eo. Professor for “Sanskrit med jämförande inroeuropeisk språkforskning”, from 1909 ord. Professor of same, at Lund University. In 1920 emeritus. Married 1903 Petra Annette Vogt (1870–1944, from Norway).
The scholarly work of Flensburg belongs mainly in his early years, as a Professor he was more interested in Swedish culture and literature. He wrote himself poetry, but was never remarkable in this respect. Tuneld praised his learning and acuteness, but criticized him for want of originality. Among his students were H. Petersson and E. Tuneld.
Publications: diss. Bidrag till den fornindiska tempusläran i klassiska och episka språket. 178 p. Lund 1888.
– Über Ursprung und Bildung des Pronomens. 69 p. Lund 1893; Zur stammabstufung der mit nasalsuffix gebildeten präsentia im arischen und griechischen. 77 p. Lund 1894.
– Studien auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Wurzelbildung. 1. Die einfache Basis ter- im Indogermanischen. 11+115 p. Lund 1897.
– Bidrag till Rigvedas mytologi. Om guden Pūṣan i Rigveda. 49 p. Lund Univ. Årsskrift N.F. V, Avd. 1, 5. Lund 1909.
– Poetry, academic oratory, etc.
Sources: Charpentier 1924, 68f.; B. Hildebrand, Sv. biogr. lex. 16, 1966, 179f. with photo; *E. Tuneld Kungl. Hum. Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund Univ. Årsberättelse 1926-27, 17-20; bibliography in Lund Univ. Matrikel 1913, 64 and 1924-25, 80f.; Swedish Wikipedia with photo
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