RINGBOM, Lars-Ivar Edvin. Turku 23.7.1901 — Turku 21.5.1971. Finnish Art Historian interested in Iranian Mythology. Son of Lars Ivar Ringbom, a physician, and Elin Elisabeth Granit. Educated at Classic Lyceum of Turku, also art studies in Dresden. Studies at Helsinki (M.A. 1925, under J. J. Tikkanen) and Åbo Akademi (Ph.D. 1935). From 1925 taught art history at Åbo Akademi in Turku (succeeding Strzygowski), from 1934 Docent, from 1943 eo. Professor. Retired 1968. Married 1927 Olga Sofia Frigren (1899–1974), his younger son Sixten R. (1935–1992) was also art historian. He was highly interested in the traditions about earthly paradise, which he located in north-west Iran.
Publications: Graltempel und Paradies, Beziehungen zwischen Iran und Europa im Mittelalter. 546 p. 137 ill. Stockholmholm 1951.
– Zur Ikonographie der Göttin Ardvi Sura Anahita. 28 p. 18 fig. Acta Acad. Aboensis. A 23:2. Åbo 1957.
– Paradisus terrestris; myt, bild och verklighet. 446 p. Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn., N.S. C1:1. Helsinki 1958.
– “Three Sasanian Bronze Salvers with Paridaeza Motifs”, A Survey of Persian Art (Shiraz) 14, 1967, 3029-41.
– Also wrote on Western art history.
Sources: *Bibliography by R. Numelin, Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia / Konsthistoriska studier 3, 1977, 133-142; B.O. Lindberg, Suomen Kansallisbiografia 8, 2006, 293f.; geni.com; Swedish Wikipedia with further references.
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