RUBINO, Giovanni Antonio. Strambino (Turin) 1.3.1578 — Mount Unzen (Nagasaki), Japan 16.3.1643. S.J. Italian Missionary in India. Born in a noble family. Novice 1596, studies in Milano. Sailed from Lisbon in 1602. Ordained priest 1605 in Goa. Worked in Jesuit academies in Goa, Madras (1613-17), Cochin (1617-19, 1627-37), Colombo (1619-23), and Tuticorin (1623-27), teaching mathematics, soon also theology. In 1605-10 missionary in Chandragiri and 1610-13 in Vellore, in Vijayanagar. In 1638 to Macao, in 1642 he went with seven colleagues to Japan, where they were immediately imprisoned and finally tortured to death.
Publications: Relazione d’alchune cose principali del regno di Bisnagà. Written 1608, manuscript.
Sources: M. Carri, D.B.I. 89, 2917 (online with further references; *M. Ogliaro, “Il Venerabile Padre G.A.R. di Strambino (1578–1643)”, Studi Chiassosi 3, 2013, 111-158; *J.-P. Rubiés, “The Jesuit Discovery of Hinduism: A.R.’s Account of the History and Religion of Vijayanagara (1608)”, Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 3, 2001, 210-256;
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