FOWLER, Murray

FOWLER, Alexander Murray. Claremont, Wimberg dt., Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 23.3.1905 — Madison, Wisc. 12.2.1999. U.S. Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Madison. Son of Alexander Duguid F. (1864–1911) and Catherine Milne Walker (1865–1916). Studies at University of Minnesota (A.B. 1927) and University of Oregon (A.B. 1929). In 1929-30 Instructor in English at Pomona College and in 1931-33 at Purdue College. In 1933-34 further studies at Vienna, in 1934-36 again Instructor at Purdue College, and 1939-40 and 1944-46 Instructor in German at Harvard. Ph.D. 1940 Harvard. In 1940-44 served in U.S. Navy. Then at University of Wisconsin in Madison: 1946-47 Lecturer in comparative philology, 1947-53 Associate Professor of the same, from 1953 Professor in Linguistics. Married 1956 Barbara Hughes (1926–2000), a Greek scholar, two daughters.

Publications: “The Role of Surā in the Myth of Namuci”, JAOS 62, 1942, 36-40; “Ambrosiai Stelai”, JAOS 63, 1942, 215f. (on Soma); “Trita Soter”, JAOS 67, 1947, 59f.; “Rg-Veda 10, 27, 14”, JAOS 67, 1947, 270-273.

– “Rig Veda I, 31: A translation with commentary”, Art and Thought in honour of A. K. Coomaraswamy. L. 1947, 186-192.

– “The segmental phonemes of Sanskritized Tamil”, Language 30, 1954, 362-367.

Revised with V. Raghavan the translation of —> M. Dillon: The Nāṭakalakṣaṇa of Sāgaranandin. 74 p. Tr.Amer.Phil.Soc. N.S. 50:9, 1960.

– “How ordered are Pāṇini’s Rules?”, JAOS 85, 1965, 44-47.

Sources: Dir. Am. Sch. 2nd ed. 1951, 3rd ed. 1957, 5th ed. 3, 1969, 6th ed. 3, 1974;; stray notes in Internet.

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