FRANZÓ, Gregorio

FRANZÒ, Gregorio. 23.6.1879 — 19??. Italian School-Teacher interested in Indian Thought. Teacher (Professor) of “materie letterarie” at R. Ginnasio superiore in Grosseto (Tuscany). Still active with Greek in 1946, now perhaps in Leghorn.

Publications:Sulle relazioni delle Dottrine del Sâṁkhya coll’ antica filosofia greca fino ad Anassagora”, Annali di lettere (Pisa) 18, 1905, 1-58; De Kapili Philosophia et de Bhagavadgītā. 32 p. Pisa 1911.

School editions of Greek and Latin literature.

Sources: Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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