SCHNEIDER (Šnejder), Aleksandra Petrovna

SCHNEIDER (Šnejder), Aleksandra Petrovna. 1863 — 1942. Russian Artist. Niece of  —> Minaev. Daughter of Pëtr Aleksandrovič Schneider and Elizaveta Pavlovna Minaev (d. 1875, after her husband). After the death of their mother raised by Minaev together with her sister —> V.  P. Schneider. Together they kept his papers and worked actively to keep his memory alive. In 1916 elected member of Art Academy. In 1929 part of the Minaev archives was deposited to Asiatic Museum. In the 1930s the sisters had to move to Saratov, but, although living in poverty, still worked with the remaining archives. Through the Arabist I. Ju. Kračkovskij they transferred part of it in 1940 to the Oriental Institute of Soviet Akademy. Unmarried.

Publications: “Professor I. P. Minayeff (The Russian Indologist)”, IHQ 10, 1934, 811-826.

Sources: Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003, 423; parents in

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