FREUDENBERG, Johann Philipp. Raubacher Hütte bet Dierdorf, Kr. Neuwied 18.2.1843 — Colombo 2.2.1911. German Merchant in Sri Lanka. Son of an industrialist. Entered business and served in a coffee firm in Cologne, Rotterdam, Marseille and London. In 1873 went to Colombo and established his own, very succesful firm. From 1876 Imperial German Consul in Ceylon. Member of Ceylon Asiatic Society from 1882. Married 1874 Amalie Springmann, four sons (continued his business).

Publications: Translated: “Johann Jacob Saar’s Account of Ceylon, 1647–1657”, JRAS-CB 11:39, 1889 (1892), 233-314; “Walter Schouten’s Account of Ceylon”, JRAS-CB 11:40, 1890 (1893), 315-354.

Sources: Death noted in JRAS-CB 22:65, 1912; F. Prüser, N.D.B. 5, 1961, 409f.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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