SCHUCHARDT, Hugo. Gotha 4.2.1842 — Graz 21.4.1927. German Linguist in Austria. Professor in Graz. Son of Ernst Julius Sch., a lawyer, and Malvina von Bridel-Brideri. Gymnasium in Gotha. Began his studies at Jena, soon switched from law to philology and moved to Bonn. Ph.D. 1864 Bonn (under Ritschl). Further studies in Rome. PD 1870 Leipzig. From 1873 ao. Professor of Romance Philology at Halle, from 1876 ord. of the same at Graz, emeritus 1900.

Schuchardt was was a general linguist, averse to philology and ancient languages, but worked on etymology. In phonetics he criticized Neogrammarians. Beside Romance languages he was much interested in Basque, Celtic, Hungarian, Slavic, Berber and Caucasian. A special interest were language mixtures and creole languages, and in this he was an important pioneer.

Publications: Diss. De sermonis Romani plebei vocalibus. 21 p. Bonnae 1864; Vokalismus des Vulgärlateins. 1-2. Lp. 1866-68.

–    “Kreolische Studien II. Ueber das Indoportugiesische von Cochin”, SWA 102, 1883, 799-816; “Kr. St. III. Ueber das Indoportugiesische von Diu”, SWA 103, 1883, 3-18; “Kr. St. VI. Ueber das Indoportugiesische von Mangalore”, SWA 105, 1884, 881-904.

– Über die Lautgesetze gegen die Junggrammatiker. 6+39 p. B. 1885.

– Numerous writings on Romance linguistics; also on Celtic, Basque, etc.

Sources: B. Hurch, N.D.B. 23, 2007, 623f.; *Kl. Lichem & H.J. Simon (eds.), H.Sch., *Gotha 1842–†Graz 1927: Schuchardt-Symposium 1977 in Graz. 314 p. S.Ö.A.W. 373. Vienna 1980; A. Sommerfelt, *Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Language. the Hague 1962, 373-378 (republ. in Sebeok 1966:1, 504-511); Stache-Weiske 2017, 559; Wikipedia with photo; photo in Pedersen 1959, 125.

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