SCHULTZE, Martin. Nordhausen, Thüringen 11.1.1835 — Ellrich, Thüringen 10.9.1899. German Educator and Linguist. Son of organist Heinrich August Schultze (1818–1883) and Wilhelmine Ebert. Matriculated 1855 from Nordhausen and began studies of theology at Halle. Without graduation employed by Austrian consul F. Haas in Epirus, travelled in Balkan and Asia Minor, worked two years as tutor in Bulgaria. Back in Germany worked as tutor in Hilversum, Elbing und Thorn. In 1869-77 Director of Höhere Töchterschule in Cüstrin. In 1877-85 Rector of Realgymnasium in Oldesloe, retired because of eye problems. Many years living in Ellrich with his sister, apparently unmarried.

Publications: He knew a great number of languages and wrote on many, grammars of Persian (1863), English, Old Prussian, and Aramaic; also wrote on literature and mythology.

– Indogermanisch, semitisch und hamitisch. 36 p. B. 1873.

– Grammatik der hindustanischen Sprache. 56 p. Lp. 1894.

Sources: German Wikipedia.

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