SHIRREFF, Alexander Grierson

SHIRREFF, Alexander Grierson. Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset 24.4.1883 — Walberswick, Suffolk 2.9.1962. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Francis Archibald Patullo Shirreff and Elizabeth Louisa Davidson. B.A. I.C.S. officer, in the 1930s Collector of Jaunpur. Married Dulcie Marion Baxter (1892–1973), children.

Publications: With Pannā Lāl: The Dream Queen: a translation of the Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa. 4+55 p. Allahabad 1918.

– Hindi Folk Songs. 53 p. Allahabad 1936  (specimen in JRAS 1936, 209-223).

– Padumāvatī: a linguistic study of the 16th century Hindi (Avadhi) by Malika Mohammada Jāyasī. 12+327 p. Calcutta 1944; transl. the same, 392 p. Bibl. Ind. 267. Calcutta 1944.

Sources: and stray notes in genealogical pages.

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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