SHOWERS, Charles Lionel

SHOWERS, Charles Lionel. 5.2.1816 — Geneva 13.9.1895. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Major Howe Daniel Showers (1786–1829) and Harriet Ashe (1787–1826). Joined army 1835 and left for India. As Colonel in 1869 Political Agent in Gwalior, then Major-General (1878). Retired 1881, General 1889. Three times married, first with Emily, then Mary Wilcox, and finally in 1856 Frederica Helen Nightingale (née Hurst), one daughter and one son.

Publications: “Translation of an Inscription on a Gun at Moorshedabad”, JASB 16, 1847, 589-592; “On the Meenas, a wild Tribe of Central India”, ProcASB 1869, 238-242.

– A missing chapter of the Indian mutiny. 8+214 p. L. 1888.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet, life dates and marriage in and

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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