SIEGERT, Hans. Fürth 21.03.1911 — 10.01.1957. German Teacher and Linguist. Studied linguistics, classics, German and history at Munich (under  Wüst et al.). Lehrerprüfung 1938. Member of NSDAP, served in WW II (in 1942 in Wehrmacht). Worked as gymnasium teacher in Munich, in the 1950s in Ingolstadt.

Publications: “Zur Geschichte der Begriffe ‘Arier’ und ‘arisch’”, W&S 22, 1941-42, 73-99.

Griechisches in der Kirchensprache: ein sprach- und kulturgeschichtliches Wörterbuch. 234 p. Heidelberg 1950.

“Lat. esse und adesse als Bewegungsverba”, Museum Helveticum 9, 1952, 182-191; “Zur Geschichte des Imperativs adesto”, Museum Helveticum 11, 1954, 195-198; a textbook of Latin 1951.

Sources: Briefly mentioned in C. Hutton, Linguistics in the Third Reich. 1999 he remained long an enigma. Finally Kalliope-Verbund gave the life dates for H.S. of Fürth and M. Fritz & M. Meier-Brügger, Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft. 10th rev. ed. 2020, 23 confirms that the author of the Arier-article was classical philologist.

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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