SLATER, Samuel. 18?? — after 1896, before 1912. Rev. British Missionary and Educator in India. Graduated from King’s College, London. In 1847 arrived at Calcutta, ordained priest there. From 1850 Rector of St. Paul’s School, then Professor at Bishop’s College in Calcutta, retired in 1860 because of his wife’s health problems. In 1861-62 (unpaid) Professor of Hindustani at King’s College, London. Married, children.
Thus Gibbs. Another source ( gives a different career: 1850-63 Professor at Bishop’s College, 1863-86 headmaster of Bishop Cotton school in Shimla, then back to the U.K., where he was Rector of Stenigot (diocese Lincoln). D.D. 1982 Lambeth. Other stray notes confirm his long service in Shimla (Wikipedia on his son, John Samuel Slater). Possibly 1861-62 in London were during a furlough. gives Samuel Slater exact life dates Hammersmith, Middlesex 29.4.1822 — Ealing, Middlesex 14.8.1904, parents Edward Slater and Anne Crowe.
Publications: A Grammar of Urdu Language. 64 p. 12°. Calcutta 1849.
– “A Tale by Inshá Allá Khaán”, JASB 21, 1852, 1-23 & 24, 1855, 79-118 (with Urdu text).
Sources: M.E. Gibbs in
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