SMITH, Emil. Kristiania (Oslo) 7.5.1887 — Oslo 16.5.1957. Norwegian Philologist and Linguist. Son of judge Hjalmar Smith and Johanna Ovidia Fredrikke Ellefsen. Grew up in Kristiansund and Kristiania. From 1905 studies, mainly of Greek, in Kristiania and 1910-11 at Berlin. Graduated 1914, from 1915 Docent at Kristiania. Never took Ph.D. Taught as Docent until 1948, when he was nominated Professor of Greek Language and Culture. He was popular as teacher. Married 1916 Alfhild Marie Frost (1889–1921) and 1924 Ragna Rogstad (1897–1960).
Publications: Tocharisch. Die neuentdeckte indogermanische Sprache Mittelasiens. 43 p. Videnskabs-Selskabets Skrifter 2, Hist.-filos. Klasse 1910:5. Christiania 1911.
– Early articles on Caucasian languages.
– Books on Greek Literature in Norwegian; many articles (mostly in Norwegian).
Sources: Ø. Andersen, Norsk biografisk leksikon. 1999-2005 (online); Norwegian Wikipedia.
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