SMYTH, William Henry Carmichael. England 30.7.1780 — Alloway, Ayrshire 9.9.1861. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of James Carmichael Smyth, a Scottish physician. and his wife Mary, educated at Charterhouse School. In 1797 joined Bengal Artillery, after an expedition to South-East Asia served in Allahabad and Agra. In 1807 returned to the U.K. because of health problems. Again served in India 1810-20. Major 1821. In 1822-24 Resident Superintendent of Addiscombe. Married 1817 Anne Thackeray (née Becher, 1792–1864).
The Carmichael Smyth genealogy as found in various genealogical pages is rather confused. Often the same parents are given to Georg Monro C.S. and William Henry C.S. But the eldest brother of G.M.C.S. was James Carm. Smyth (1780–1838). Between them there was also a W.H.C.S., but he was born in 1789 (and thus could not join army in 1797) and died 1846.
Publications: Edited: Shooulu-e ishq: The Flame of Love: a Hindoostanee Poem, by Meer Mohummud Tuqee . L. 1820 (Šo‘la-e ‘Išq by Mīr Taqī).
– The Hindoostanee Interpreter, containing the Rudiments of Grammar, and extensive Vocabulary, and a Useful Collection of Dialogues and a Naval Dictionary. 223 p. L. 1824, new ed. P. & L. 1841 (Naval Dict. originally by Roebuck).
– The Lutaifi Hindee, or Hindoostanee jest-book, containing a choice collection of humorous stories, in the Arabic and Roman characters. L. 1821, new ed. 152 p. L. 1840.
Sources: Wikipedia;
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