GALLÉE, Johan Hendrik

GALLÉE, Johan Hendrik. Vorden, Bronckhorst 9.9.1847 — Utrecht 3.2.1908. Dutch Linguist. Professor of IE Philology at Utrecht. Son of mayor Johannes Hermannus G. and Neeltje van Olst. After school in Zutphen studied from 1866 at Leiden, among other things also Sanskrit under Kern. Ph.D. (Litt. Hum. Dr.) there 1873 with a dissertation on Dutch language. In 1872-79 taught Dutch at Gymnasium in Haarlem. Then at Utrecht University: 1881 lektor, 1882 Professor of “germaanse talen, sanskrit & vgl. taalstudie”. In 1891 left the teaching of Sanskrit to Caland and van der Vliet. He was the first to teach Sanskrit at Utrecht. Married 1873 Wibbina Geertsema, one daughter.

Publications: Diss. De dramatische vertoningen in de middeleeuwen. Haarlem 1873.

Inaugural lecture: De invloed van de taalstudie op het gebied der letteren en der mythologie. 40 p. Utrecht 1882.

Much on Germanistics, especially on Low German and Dutch (also dialectology), and on Gothic.

Sources: N.N.B.W. 4; German Wikipedia with portrait.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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