STUBBS, Francis William

STUBBS, Francis William. Dundalk, Ireland 1828 — Cork 2.8.1911. British (Irish?) Colonial Officer in India. After Addiscombe joined E.I.C.’s army in 1847, served in Bengal Horse Artillery until 1878. Major, 1859 in Attock, in 1895 Major-General of Royal Artillery. Member of A.S.B. from 1859. Married Caroline Euphemia Forbes (1845–1901), six children.

Publications: Letter regarding Inscriptions, etc., found at Attock, ProcASB 1870, 241-243; Letter on moulds of Counterfeit Coins, ProcASB 1870, 302f.; “Letter on a new Coin”, ProcASB 1871, 97f.

– History of the Organization, Equipment, and War Services of the Regiment of Bengal Artillery. 1-2. L. 1877.

– In retirement wrote about Irish history.

Sources: *J.R. Garstin, Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Soc. 2, 1911, 347-349;; wife and children in WikiTree; not in D.I.B.

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