GEORGE, Dieter. Frankurt a.M. 12.12.1935 — 8.9.1985. German Indologist. Son of Diplomvolkswirt Walter G. and Renate Robertson. In 1938 the family moved to Darmstadt, where he began school. In 1947 to Oberschule in Kassel and in 1948-56 at Gymnasium in Hofgeismar. From 1956 studies of Indology at Marburg under Nobel and Rau. In 1962-65 further studies in Calcutta, travelled much in India. Ph.D. 1966 Marburg. Worked in libraries in Münster and Frankfurt. Library examination in 1968. Now Bibliotheksassessor in Orientalische Abteilung of Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin. 1970 Bibliotheksrat, 1971 Bibliotheksoberrat, 1972 Direktor. In 1976 Voigt’s deputy as editor of the V.O.H.D., from 1982 his official successor. In 1977-85 the first Geschäftsführer of the D.M.G. Died after severe illness. In 1967 married Ute Kompenhaus, a psychologist, three children.
Publications: Diss. Ṣaṅmukhakalpa. Ein Lehrbuch der Zauberei und Diebeskunst aus dem indischen Mittelalter. Hrsg. und üb. 1-2. 1966, republ. 209 p. Monogr. zur indischen Archäol., Kunst u. Philol. 7. B. 1991.
– Short articles and reviews, often on history of learning and bibliology, e.g. “Johann Jakob Meyer”, ZDMG 118, 1968, 224-233.
– Handschriften aus Südostasien. Ausstellungskatalog. 64 p. B. 1976.
Sources: M. Kraatz, ZDMG 137, 1987, 12-19 with photo.
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