GIBBS, James. Walbrook, Middlesex 1825 — Bombay (?) 30.10.1886. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Right Hon. Michael G. (Lord Mayor of London 1845). Educated at Merchant Taylor’s and Haileybury, 1844-46. In 1846 joined the Bombay Civil Service. “Judicial Assistant to the Commissioner in Sind; Special Commissioner for Income Tax, 1860; President of the Income Tax Commission.” Called to the bar at the Inner Temple in 1864. “Judge of Poona, 1864; Puisne Judge of the High Court, Bombay; President of the Asiatic Society, Bombay; Member of Council, Bombay, April 1874 to April 1879; Member of the Supreme Council, May 1880 to May 1885; Vice-Chancellor of the Bombay University, 1870-79.” C.S.I., C.I.E. Married Louisa Morley (1828–1863, thus or Julia Reid Shaw (second wife?), at least one son and one daughter.
Publications: Sketch of the Judicial Administration of the Province of Sind, when Under the Talpoor Dynasty. 61 p. Bombay 1857.
– Note on coins of the Andhrabhritiya dynasty, ProcASB 1882, 58f., and three further notes on numismatics in ProcASB 1883; “Gold And Silver Coins of the Bahmani Dynasty”, NC 3:1, 1881, 91-115; “On some rare and unpublished Coins of the Pathan and Mogul Dynasties of Dehli”, NC 3:5, 1885, 213-228.
– “The history of archaeology in India”, Journal of the Royal Soc. of Arts 34, 1885-86, 555-564.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; birth place and marriage from stray notes in Internet.
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