USBORNE, Charles Frederick. London 18.2.1874 — 6.11.1919. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Thomas Usborne (1838–1898), a businessman, and Agnes Elizabeth Gibbs. Studies at Balliol College, Oxford. Rejected by army because of his modest height he joined I.C.S. in 1898. Finally Deputy Commissioner of Hissar (Haryana). He suffered of depression from over-work and on a sick leave committed suicide. Married 1906 Janet Muriel Leroy (1879–1929), four sons and one daughter.
Publications: Panjabi Lyrics and Proverbs. Translations in Verse and Prose. 6+65 p. Lahore 1905.
– Transl. Hir and Ranjha of Waris Shah. Supplement to IA. 1921, new ed. by M. Hasan. 201 p. Karachi 1966.
Sources: with photo.
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