VALENTIJN, François (Franciscus). Dordrecht 17.4.1666 — the Hague 6.8.1727. Dutch Priest and Naturalist. Son of school director Abraham V. and Maria Rijsbergen. Studied theology and philosophy at Leiden and Utrecht. From 1684 spent 16 years as minister in Dutch Indonesia, mainly in Ambon, where he befriended with Rumphius. After ten years in the Netherlands returned to Indonesia in 1705, until 1713. Last years in Dordrecht. His massive work is a history of the Dutch East India Company – writing it he seems to have had access to the archives of the Company. Married 1692 Cornelia Leydekker (née Snaats, 1660–1717), two daughters and four stepchildren.
Publications: Oud en nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyd in die gewesten, benevens eene wydluftige beschryvige der Moluccos … en alle de eylanden onder dezelve landbestieringen behoorende; het Nederlands comptoir op Suratte, en de levens der Groote Mogols. 1-5. 5144 p. more than 1000 ill. Dordrecht 1724-26.
Sources: *J. Fisch, Hollands Ruhm in Asien. François Valentijns Vision des niederländischen Imperiums im 18. Jahrhundert. Wb. 1986; Wikipedia with portrait (more in Dutch and German versions); parents and family in
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