GLEYE, Arthur Wilhelm. Riga 21.10.1867 — Riga 5.2.1937. German (Livonian) IE Linguist. Son of Karl Eduard Gleye, a merchant, and Louise Henningson, a middle class family, studied in 1888-91 comparative philology at Dorpat (Tartu). Ph.D. 1893 Dorpat. Student of L. Meyer. In 1901-21 Lecturer of German at Tomsk University in Siberia, then lived in Riga. His later works were apparently a production of fantasy, claiming Finno-Ugrian background for ancient Hittite, Egyptian and Minoan cultures, “deciphering” the Hittite (Luvian) hieroglyphs and the Phaistos Disc.
Publications: Diss. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der indogermanischen ‘Postlingualreihen’. 1893, publ. 91 p. Dorpat/Jurjev 1896.
– Hettitische Studien. Leipzig 1910.
– Die Wiedergeburt der westfinnischen Geisteskultur. 280 p. Tallinn 1937; other similar works.
Sources: Tartu ülikooli üliõpilaskonna teatmik 1889–1918; short obituary in Estonian in Päewaleht 11.2.1937; a finnish article by Kai Donner, a Finno-Ugrian scholar, who met Gleye in Tomsk in 1911 and read his Hittite study (without reference to original publication in
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