WARREN, John (Jean Baptiste François Joseph de Warren). Leghorn 21.9.1769 — Pondichéry 9.2.1830. British-French Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Son of Count Henri Hyacinthe de Warren (1732–1781) and Christine Walburge de Meurers (1737–1819). In 1793 moved to London and soon went to Calcutta. After a failed attempt as indigo planter joined E.I.C.’s army. After Mysore war participated in W. Lambton’s Mysore Survey and found the Kolar gold fields. In 1805-11 acting director of Madras Observatory (he measured the exact longitude of the city). In 1814 returned to France. He joined French army and soon was sent to Pondichéry. Legion of Honour 1825. Married 1809 Anne Laurence Alexandrine Marcilly (1793–1820), six children.
Publications: “An account of astronomical observations taken at the Honourable Company’s Observatory, near Fort St. George in the East Indies, in the years 1806 and 1807“, As. Res. 10, 1811, 513-525; a few further articles.
– Kala Sankalita: A Collection of Memoirs on the Various Modes according to which the Nations of the Southern Parts of India Divide Time. 31+402+4+72+52 p. Madras 1825.
Sources: Wikipedia with portrait.
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