GOLDINGHAM, John (born Johannes Guldenheim). London 1767 — Worcester ?.7.1849. British Astronomer in India, also an Architect and Surveyor. Son of Benjamin Guldenheim, of Denmark, and Elizabeth Williams. From 1788 assistant to sailor-astronomer Michael Topping (1747–1796) and thus came to Madras. Succeeded Topping as the astronomer of Madras Observatory and started its records in 1796. Visited Mahabalipuram in 1798. With William Lambton started the Trigonometrical Survey. Still in the observatory in the 1820s, in 1827 returned to England with his family. Married 1796 Maria Louisa Popham, six children, and as widower 1815 Ann Baxter, three children.
Publications: Astronomical, geographical and mathematical publications.
– “Some Account of the Cave in the Island of Elephanta”, As. Res. 4, 1795, 8° repr. 1798, 414-434, 2 pl.; “Some Account of the Sculptures at Mahabalipoorum, Usually called the Seven Pagodas”, As. Res. 5, 1798, 8° repr. 1799, 69-80.
Sources: Not in the Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd series. Briefly JRAS 12, 1850, Proc. vif.; family details in myheritage; Wikipedia with portrait.
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